Apr 16, 2011

Pablo Picasso

“Every child is an artist.

 The problem is how to remain 

an artist once we grow up.”

Pablo Picasso

Apr 14, 2011

Yohji Yamamoto

'Fabric is everything.
Often I tell my pattern makers, 
"Just listen to the material. 
What is it going to say?
Just wait. 
Probably the material will tell you something."' 

- Yohji Yamamoto

"一般來說,形狀、色彩、明暗、大小、遠近等等,由粗略到複雜的視覺辨別能力,都能夠循著年歲增長的步驟,逐漸發展成熟。但是美與醜的客觀審美感應力,卻無法自然成長,必須透過美感教育,才能發展出高層次的美感品味。然而,在美學失落的現代視覺環境中,孩子 "看見"了什麼、學到了什麼 ?"